We've been using Facebook now for nearly a year for business. While it's fun to find old schoolmates what we're really interested in is keeping up a steady, AND EASY, stream of contact with our business friends.
For jewelry designers it's a great way to be found by potential customers, too.
I know it can seem intimidating at first but honestly, once you get the hang of it -- and bookmark the site -- you'll be able to click in, check on your updates and friends, and click out in less than 5 minutes a day. What other kind of marketing/PR initiative takes that little time?
You should start a page for yourself -- and of course, keep it all business related (or mostly!) and then start a "Page" for your company.
Here's the Facebook page for a How-To on creating Pages.
Remember my previous post on Creating a Daily Marketing Action Score Card? This would count as 2 points!
Find me on Facebook here..... and my Groups page for jewelry designers here.......and my FB blog page here!